How To Install Wordpress On Your Personal Website

Installing WordPress on your website is pretty easy and it generally will only take about a few minutes. Based on some of the most experienced individuals that know how to install WordPress, they only take around five minutes for the entire process. 

To make this process even easier, there are some web hosts that will now offer a one click installation by using Fantastico. If you don’t want to go through with the aspects of installing WordPress, this is the best thing to go for. 

Below are the steps that you will need to go through, that will show you how to install WordPress onto your website. It will only take three very easy steps to accomplish. 

Download The Latest WordPress Version
You will need to download the latest WordPress version into a zip file. Once downloaded, unzip the file and upload it into the directory that you prefer on your site by using your FTP manager. It is suggested that you place the file in the directory of /blog. For illustration purposes, the file should be found under /public_html/blog/. 

Set Up Your MySQL Database 
It is recommended that your WordPress is managed by CPanel. Within CPanel, you will need to create MySQL by clicking on the icon for the database. You will then need to add a new database and name it MySQL. 

Run The Installation
The older WordPress version required that you edit the configuration file. Now days, the newer WordPress version makes the installation process much easier. All you need to do is type in the URL of where the WordPress was installed. 

You will then see a set up screen once you have done this. All you need to do is change the password, user name and database name. Leave the Table Prefix and the Database Host unchanged. 

Understand that CPanel does require that the format for the name of your database would need to be user_database. All you need to do is use the database name and user name that you made back in step two and you should be good. 

Your Finished 
Once you have clicked on submit, you are going to be taken to another page where you will add the title you have chosen for your blog or website, along with your email address. A large icon will appear and will finish the installation process for how to install WordPress.

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